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Learn Where to Get Narcan and How to Administer It in an Opioid Overdose Emergency
Narcan (naloxone) is a life-saving medication used to reverse opioid overdoses, including those caused by fentanyl. It can be obtained at most pharmacies and is often available without a prescription. Many community organizations, health clinics, and harm reduction programs also distribute Narcan for free.
To administer Narcan, first check for signs of an overdose, such as unresponsiveness or shallow breathing. If an overdose is suspected, spray Narcan into one nostril while the person lies on their back. Repeat the dose if there is no response within 2-3 minutes. Always call emergency services after administering Narcan, as medical follow-up is crucial. Training on how to use Narcan is often provided at the point of purchase or through local health organizations, ensuring you are prepared to act effectively in an emergency.
All major pharmacy chains offer Narcan nasal spray.
Administering Naloxone
"Administering Naloxone” equips public health agencies, community organizations, friends, family members and others with the knowledge and skills needed to prevent opioid-related deaths by using naloxone, a drug that can reverse an overdose. The 11 minute training video includes a six point checklist on how to recognize when a person is overdosing and demonstrates how to dispense naloxone and provide post-overdose care.